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Allegory on the flourishing of the Dutch Fishery after the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-67), 1667-16 Creator: Willem Eversdyck.
Cornelis Tromp (1629-91). Lieutenant-Admiral General, 1668. Creator: Jan Mytens.
Portrait of Lieutenant-Admiral Cornelis Tromp in Roman Costume, 1650-1692. Creator: Abraham van Westervelt.
Portrait of Cornelis Tromp (1629-91), vice-admiral of Holland and West Friesland, 1640-1690. Creator: David van der Plas.
Portrait of Cornelis Tromp, n.d. Creator: Jan van Munnickhuysen.
'Battle of the Texel', c1675. Artist: Romeyn de Hooghe.
Handshake between Cornelis Tromp and Michiel de Ruyter, 17th century (c1870). Artist: JH Rennefeld